Sunday, 5 June 2016

Matt Damon blasts banks for ‘biggest heist in history,’ backs Warren

Adam Jeffery | CNBCMatt Damon at the 2014 CGI to promote his initiative. Hollywood actor Matt Damon branded Wall Street as a cabal that “steals people’s money,” right before making a thinly veiled endorsement of Massachusetts’ freshman Democratic senator Elizabeth Warren. In a commencement speech on Friday before nearly 3000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) undergraduates and graduate students, the Boston-bred Damon gave a politically tinged speech that also took aim at presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump, the media and elected officials. Damon excoriated politicians who are “incentivized to think short term, and simply do not engage with long-term problems.” Yet Damon—an outspoken Democrat who has endorsed Hillary Clinton—reserved some of his harshest critique for bankers, which he faulted for the 2008 financial pandemic that reverberated through the global economy. Ironically, Clinton has come in for sharp criticism for her ties to the financial industry, cultivated during her tenure as New York’s junior senator. Calling the crisis “the biggest heist in history,” the “Jason Bourne” actor insisted that financial institutions were aware of the ramifications of their actions, which he called fraudulent. “It was theft, and you knew it. It was fraud and you knew it, And you know [...]
via FimTv

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