Scott Halleran/Getty Images Please don’t. Considering it exists for the sole purpose of being a vehicle to help commit fraud, the Copa América appears to be going smoothly. Oh wait, sorry, its biggest draw might withdraw because they’re mad about something unrelated to the tournament. Argentina’s FA is really mad at the government, so they might take their ball and go home. The government has stopped AFA from holding elections, and AFA is mad. “The elections are suspended for 90 days and could be suspended for 90 days more,” said AFA executive secretary Damian Dupiellet. “Two inspectors have been sent to carry out an internal review. This is clear interference in the life of the AFA.” And why did the government do that? Well, because AFA can’t find money that they took from the government. That seems fair enough, but the government really isn’t supposed to interfere in national FAs, and this could get Argentina in some trouble with FIFA. The likes of Nigeria, Cameroon, Kuwait and Indonesia have been suspended by soccer’s governing body in the last five years for government interference into the sport. In short, Argentina is threatening to pull out of the fraud tournament because they’re very [...]
via FimTv
via FimTv
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